What We Do

We provide developers with a method of using a single SDK inside their mobile apps that supports multiple ad networks, app cross-promotion, and analytics, all at the same time, and all managable from our website console. You can keep your finger on the pulse of your apps 24/7.


Our SDK is a unified solution that lets you install and use everything inside it via our website console. You can highly customize everything the SDK does from the website, not the SDK itself We support Corona, XCode, and Android platforms.

App Promotion made easy

Cross-promotion is one of the most powerful methods of promoting an app and when using LunarAds, costs you nothing. Features of our app cross-promotion include platform and category targeting, 1/1 ratio (one impression of your app promotion, for one of another developers), my favorites, which lets you network with other developers and exchange ads exclusively with them. And much more.